Monday, August 12, 2024

Bristol living

I have it pretty good here. I'm staying in an apartment of my own (AirBnB) on a cute little street called Sweetman Place. There are two delightful cafés within a couple blocks that serve excellent coffee, good bread, and very possibly the best donuts I've had in my life.

My apartment is nicely furnished. 

Spiffy kitchinette in the living room. Behind those cupboards is a little dishwasher and a little washing machine! No dryer; as in France, you just air-dry your clothes here. It works. I don't need the second bedroom but it's handy for the clothes-drying rack (not pictured).

The oddest thing about the apartment has been the air fresheners - there were NINE of them stinking up the place when I got here. I think there is still one I haven't found because in a certain place in the house, the smell hits me. 

The kitchen had very little in it when I arrived - no leftover staples from earlier guests and very minimal cooking supplies - but the property manager brought me some mixing bowls and other helpful items, and there is easy grocery shopping very near by. All the dairy products are labeled as to whether they are BRITISH.

Every cafe has hearty sandwiches and most of them offer "toasties," which is their term for a grilled-cheese type sandwich, except they usually have more than just cheese. Yesterday I had an excellent cheese-and-leek toastie. Doesn't that just sound so great? A cheese-and-leak toastie.

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