Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama says Yes We Can...

...but Aaron says No.

(I tried to post the video here directly but Blogger can't seem to handle it.  The link is to Google Video.  As I post, it's still processing, so if it doesn't work right away, try back later.)

Aaron's new-word-practice notwithstanding, we are all enjoying the election results.  Jordan says "I love Barack Obama!  Because he's a good guy, and he's going to do a good job!"  Pretty much sums it up.  This morning at school, the morning's white-board question was "Do you know who won the election?" and Jordan wrote O, B, A.  Yay for that!

There's lots of good news locally too - our preferred governor, new plans for light rail and express buses, new parks, and money to repair and retrofit Pike Place Market.  Dale and I enjoyed voting for all these things in person yesterday, but apparently that will be the last time; we're going all absentee over here.  See my sticker?  (The hand is Jordan's.)

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