Monday, May 18, 2009

No birds, no bees!

It happened!  Jordan asked me how you make a baby!  I am so delighted - it came up in a completely casual way, I was prepared, and it went off without a hitch.  They say you should get the basics in before they're five, if you can, because five is when the social inhibitions start to set in.  We're off to a good start.

Dale was out (ain't that the way).  It started with Jordan and I grooving on the house, a favorite topic of ours.

Rachel:  Isn't this such a great house?  I love it.
Jordan:  I love it too!  Let's live here until we are DEAD.
Rachel:  Great, yes, let's live here forever.
Jordan:  No, we can't live here forever because that would be after we are dead.
Rachel:  That's true, we can't live here after we're dead.  But maybe when you grow up, if you have children your children could live here.
Jordan:  Hah!  I can't have any children, Mommy!
Rachel:  I mean when you are grown up.
Jordan:  I'm a boy.  Boys can't have babies.
Rachel:  Well, you're right, but you could be a daddy.  You know it takes a mommy and a daddy to make a baby.
Jordan:  [uproariously] Make a baby?  How do you make a baby?

There it was!  I thought -- This is it!  He asked me point blank!  He seemed to think the whole idea of babymaking was a ridiculous concoction of Mommy's, and probably a joke, but it seems to me that's all the more reason to clarify matters.  I gave what I think is a darned good answer to this question, straightforward and in terms that make sense to a preschooler - I won't post it here because it might get my blog flagged (which is a sad state of affairs but oh well) - if you want to hear what I said you can email me.  Thank goodness for my friend Bekah, who blazed the trail on this one as I always knew she would.  

When I had finished my little explanation, Jordan said, "That is SO SILLY!"  You got that right, kid.  And we went on to whatever else we were doing.

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