Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sukkah building, phase III

Dale and I did the framing this morning. (Those of you who frown on Saturday building projects, please avert your eyes.) We are relieved that we bought the kit instead of designing our own. And next year will be faster, because the brackets stay half on. The blackened screw heads are the permanent ones.

The walls are a cross between mesh and a tarp. From the outside it's a little industrial looking, but inside it's great - mostly transparent. They are attached with a simple system of bungee loops.

Kari and Harry and Sam came over with a trunk full of boughs for the roof, and we cut more from the hazelnut tree.

There was much decorating. We hung gourds, fake grapes, dried flowers, bunches of branches, pipe-cleaner spiders, and various other art creations from the kids.

I explained the symbolism of the lulav and etrog, and we all shook it.

We think this is a terrific holiday! We even ate dinner out here. It was chilly, but quite fun. And convenient in its way... no one had to sweep the floor afterwards.

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