Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm anti-homework

Jordan is way behind on his homework. This is a ridiculous thing to say about a kindergartener. And it's definitely my doing: It's me who lets him play with Grandpa in the mornings, it's me who does not chase him off the piano, it's me who fails to interrupt his game of wacky basketball with his brother. I just don't believe that at age five, these activities should be shortchanged in favor of filling out worksheets. In fact, I don't think he should have homework at all. This NYT essay refers to research demonstrating no benefit until middle school. A quote I liked:

Jean Piaget famously referred to “the American question,” which arose when he lectured in this country: how, his audiences wanted to know, could a child’s development be sped up? The better question may be: Why are we so hellbent on doing so?

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