Saturday, April 16, 2011

Yoga poses

Jordan's afternoon activities at school include not only music and art and PE, but also yoga.  He learns yoga as a mind-body exercise:  each yoga pose has a phrase that goes with it and is useful for certain moods.  He would like to share what he has learned, so we took photos, and now he is sitting with me here ready to explain the poses.

"This is Lotus Blossom.  It makes you calm."

"This one is just for Cirque du Soleil.  I don't remember its name."

"This is Tree Pose.  It is for feeling balanced and calm."

"This is Mountain Pose.  It is for being connected to both the earth and the sky."

"This is just a fun pose.  It's called Rock and Roll.  You roll back and then your body forces you forward."

"This is Tiger Pose.  It's for getting your angriness out."

"This is Volcano Pose.  It's just something fun.  You start in Mountain Pose and then you jump up high."

"This is Elephant Pose.  The saying that goes with it is, 'I feel curious and excited.' "

"This is Butterfly.  The saying is, 'I feel happy and carefree.' "

"This is Advanced Candlestick.  I don't know how it helps your body."

"This is Proud Warrior.  It helps me feel strong like Dragon Pose."

"This is Dragon Pose.  It's different than Proud Warrior Pose because of the feet."

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