Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Dishwasher advice

Our dishwasher is stupendously wonderful and is a very important part of our family life, so when it started doing a less than perfect job we cared a lot.  It's fixed now.  When the very prompt, efficient, intelligent-seeming repair guy was done, I asked him, "Anything I should know?"  Here are his answers:

1. Most people use far too much soap, which creates a variety of problems.  Q: How much is too much?  A: Anything more than one tablespoon.  How about that!  Guilty as charged.

2. He looked at our dishwasher detergent and said "This is fine, but when you finish this liquid, you might switch over to a powder."  Apparently powder dissolves better and has abrasives in it that help the washer do a better job.

3. Now that phosphates are not used in soaps anymore (for very good reasons), detergents are supplemented with either enzymes or bleach.  One brand, Finish Quantum, has both enzymes and bleach, so it does a better job.

I didn't know any of that.

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