Monday, January 2, 2012

Lego Hanukkah

Aaron's Hanukkah gift to us was this fantastic family portrait. Though he did not label Phil, I still recognized him.

Other than that the gift was pretty much all Legos all the time, which made our children very, very, very happy. Legos were given, Legos were gotten. Legos were built. We got Jordan some giant Clone Wars star-fighter thing sort of like an X-wing but different, very elaborate, took him a couple days' worth of building sessions to complete it.

We got Aaron the ship belonging to General Grievous, who he sometimes calls Jennifer Grievous. Aaron is actually extraordinarily good for his age at following Lego instructions, but for something of this magnitude he's glad to have his big brother help out.

Over at Kari and Danny's, where we spent December 24th, there were so many Legos that each builder had his own designated area.

And in San Francisco, where the Lego supply is more limited, Jordan made a minimalist birthday artwork for Dale.

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