Sunday, July 1, 2012

Aaron's 5th birthday

This year, like last year, we planned for the boys to each have their own birthday party. And this year, unlike last year, enough friends were in town for two parties! (Sometimes the 4th of July weekend conspires against us.) We decided that the most possible fun would be had by all if we rented a bouncy house. The boys were thrilled. For Aaron, the fun began when it was delivered: He got to help set it up, and even turn it on.

Watching it fill up is pretty awesome.

The minute it was ready he was in there.

When Jordan got back from soccer practice, the two of them bounced and bounced and bounced and bounced. Before the party even started they had bounced for two hours. How do they do it?! Never mind. They loved it.

When the guests arrived they loved it too. We were joined by preschool buddies Emanuel, Amara, Halsey (and her little brother Kinsey), Spencer C, and Spencer M, and they bounced until you would think they would drop. At some point the shirts came off.

Even some brave adults gave it a go. (The shirts stayed on.)

During the (rare) breaks in the bouncing, the kids were totally mellow, perhaps due to exhaustion. Here they are enjoying a Lego Club magazine together.

You can see in the background that the adults were having a lovely parallel party. We had a delightful afternoon with Gabe, Jon and Sara, Steven, Jen, Mandy, and Hunter (with kids, and his friend Ron with his kid). 

There was a pause in the bouncing for cake pops. This was my first time making cake pops and it was laborious, but pretty fun. There are ninjas, clowns, and candle-holders. All were devoured with glee.

I am indebted to Jess for the display... she got me the floral bricks that the cake pops are stuck into, and picked the checkered cloth that makes such a great backdrop. And Renee Michelle dipped many a cake pop.

Aaron had a great day. Happy birthday to our great big five year old!

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