Thursday, April 24, 2014


We were guests at two wonderful Seders this year, both very interactive and engaging as well as meaningful and delicious, but only one with photos. Here we are at the Weinstein's on the first night of Passover, with the Bersons as well.

The table was gorgeous.
Amara and Emanuel wowed us with songs at every opportunity.
To better experience what it was like to be a slave (or a slave-driver?), we whipped each other with scallions.
There were ten Plague Masks.
Grandpa was a particularly frightening Death Of The First Born.
 Everyone read and acted and ate and drank and had a great time.
We had a very involved skit to re-enact the story of Exodus. Here is Amara as Moses, John's brother in-law as Pharaoh, and me as a slave. A whole team of children acted out each plague
Finally the Red Sea parted and we ran to freedom. (That is hail and locusts on the ground.)
And delicious passover desserts... flourless cake with strawberries and cream from Hannah, matzah roca, almond lace cookies, and coconut-raspberry macaroons from me.
 It was really all we could possibly have asked for in a Seder! And after that we were pretty much done for the week. :)

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