Wednesday, June 4, 2014


A few days ago Aaron told me that other kids get a little note in their lunches and asked if he could get  note too. Who can turn down such a sweet request? So I put notes in both of their lunches the next day. There is a greeting, a joke, and the plan for the afternoon. Like this:

Dear Aaron -- Happy Tuesday!
   Q. Why don't sharks eat clowns?
   A. Because they taste funny.
Tonight is burrito night! I will pick you up about 5:15. Love, Mommy.

The jokes are supremely dorky kid jokes and we all love them. More gems:

Q. Why was the math book sad?
A. Because it had too many problems.

Q. Why did the musical note have to go to jail?
A. Because it was under a rest.

Q. Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A. Because there were no chickens yet.

Q. Why was the ocean very uncomfortable?
A. Because it had crabs on its bottom.

The fact that some of them are susceptible to innuendo is not something we discuss.

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