Thursday, March 19, 2015


Aaron's class has been studying rainforests (both temperate and tropical), and yesterday they went on a field trip to the zoo to enhance their studies. I didn't get to go, but Dale was there with the camera, and it sounded like a great time. It was a beautiful day. They petted wolf fur, with two fingers.
They looked for the owl.
They enjoyed each other's company.
One of the highlights was an interactive theater production in which children played rainforest roles. Marni, for example, was the Forest Floor. Could there possibly be anything more awesome than a second-grader being the Forest Floor? I love it so much. I can't get over it. 
The zoo educator (an awesome woman named Kate who we know from zoo summer camp) has covered the Forest Floor with leaf litter, and is placing a wooden banana slug into the scene. Other kids were Canopy Trees. Observe how their branches stick out; when snow collects on them, they bend down to let it fall off. And don't miss the Understory down there at bush level, with a bee. It just doesn't get any better than this.
That was all from the Temperate Rainforest, stage left. Stage right showcased the Tropical Rainforest, which also includes Canopy Trees, an Understory, and a Forest Floor. Note the different foliage, including a bromeliad in the Understory. One of the Canopy Trees has a question. And is that a leopard on the Forest Floor?
A sloth visited our favorite Canopy Tree. Aaron described later that sloths kind of hug the trees, so he made sure that this sloth did that.
The tropical rainforest also features an Emergent Layer, which is a very tall tree that pokes out above the canopy (in this case by standing on a stool). The Emergent Layer tree needs special strong, spreading roots to support her height. She also boasts a toucan.

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