Thursday, September 3, 2015

First day of third grade

Aaron's first day of third grade was a hit! Here we all are on the way in. Jordan doesn't start until next week, so he was free to join the fun.

Third graders are upstairs, which is a big promotion, and get lockers instead of cubbies. Jordan enjoyed showing various kids (and their parents) how the lockers work.

In the classroom, Aaron's first task was to make a nametag for his locker. That is, after posing with his big brother.

Aaron is very happy with things so far. His Hebrew teacher told a joke in Hebrew, which was a great pleasure for those who were able to appreciate it (including Aaron). His PE teacher was formerly in the NFL. And one of his after-school clubs is Dungeons & Dragons, which he is eagerly learning. Looking forward to a great year!

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