Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Glacier: Hiking and scenery

The First Memorial Stephen J. Scherr Family Vacation was held at Glacier National Park, in Montana. Dad planned this vacation but didn't get to go on it. Sort of like Moses. We missed him being there, and we still were glad to go.

One of the primary activities in Glacier is hiking amidst awesome scenery. Along each of these hikes there was wildlife, and family photos; those will follow in other posts because I have to break it up somehow. Here are the boys splashing in the water behind Lake MacDonald Lodge.

Our first-day hike started on the Trail of Cedars and continued along the beautiful Avalanche Creek.

The second-day hike, at Logan Pass, was more extremely alpine: we got up really early to get there before it got hot, and had a great day.

Alpine wildflowers lined our route.

It was up a long, long way, mostly on boardwalk to protect the meadows.

Aaron was full of zip, running up and down the trail because the rest of us were rather slow. But we all got there.

The end of the line for us was the beautiful Hidden Lake.

On another day, we got a view of the mountains that clearly shows the seam where one tectonic plate went under another, pushing up the Rockies, and rearranging the normal order of things so that older fossils are actually on top of younger ones.

Another day, we again hiked up and up and up (apparently that's what you do in Glacier), to a waterfall visible in the left of this photo.

The boys missed no opportunity to dab.

On the very last day, we took a tour in one of the red and black Jammer buses that are historically significant for the park. It was a lot of fun and very informative and restful after all that uphill hiking the rest of the week.

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