Saturday, December 17, 2016


Aaron amused himself designing houses today, meaning floor plans. This was inspired by a math lesson in which there was some debate about whether there could be a trapezoidal room in a house. Aaron proposed that triangular closets would do the trick. He really enjoyed this. The picture is an example of an original floor plan of his, complete with the area of each room, including an L-shaped yard (area 112) surrounding a patio (area 28).

On the ride home we had something like this conversation:

Aaron: I think I might like to be an architect. But there are also other things I want to do. Most of all I want to help with some big problems, like maybe I’ll be an environmentalist first, and then I’ll be a money scientist to take care of poverty. I want a job that helps with problems.
Rachel: You really want to help people.
Aaron: I would like to help with some big problems first. Like maybe first I could be an environmentalist. Then maybe after the big problems are solved, or at least on a good track, I could move on to a different area. Then after all the big problems in all the different areas are on a good track, I could do something that is more just for my own interest, like be an architect or a scientist.
Rachel: You have a lot of different interests and you want a chance to do a lot of different things.
Aaron: Yes. Like maybe I could be an environmentalist on Mondays and Wednesdays, and be an architect on Tuesdays, and a scientist on Thursdays and Fridays.
Rachel: Education is very important. Solving big problems takes a lot of knowledge. You have to have good ideas, but also you have to know what people have tried already and what is likely to work the best.
Aaron: I would like to get multiple PhDs and do a lot of different things so that I could help with a lot of different things.
Rachel: You might be able to help with more than one thing at the same time. For example, some architects are working on how to give a lot of people a good kind of house to live in; that can help with all the people that don’t have a good place to live, which is a very important problem. Or how to make a house that is good for the environment. Then you are an environmentalist and an architect.
Aaron: Or like how to make stuff out of bamboo, because bamboo grows very fast.

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