Saturday, June 30, 2018

Eighth grade graduation

Thank goodness for all of the beautiful end-of-year events. With both kids graduating from schools that are precious to us, separating from cohorts of kids (and families) that we have loved for years – whatever the kids may need, * I * need support for these transitions!

The Billings graduation is a wonderful event. Every kid makes a speech or some other kind of presentation ­– some kids collaborated on a retrospective slide show, some built symbolic objects and displayed them, some played musical pieces. Jordan and his two friends Nat and Jack did a funny skit in which they first played a very dorky little bit of music, pretended they were done, and then (when mock-reprimanded by the Dean of Student Life) went back and played a terrific jazzy little number. It was amusing and impressive.

Here he is receiving his diploma from our fabulous Head of School, and consenting to be photographed in the lobby afterwards.

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