Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Muir Woods

While we were in SF, we were excited to visit Muir Woods. I can't remember if I ever went there growing up, but redwoods, right? We tried to go last year and literally could not park; this year, there is a brand new shuttle system with reservations, which made the whole thing much easier. And I love a walk in the woods.

It was beautiful, all right, but when we had been there for a few minutes I realized: It's very much like Seattle. We could literally walk to the city park near our house and go for quite a similar walk. Okay, our big trees are a different species than California's, but the overall effect is very much the same. Even the cold and damp is reproduced pretty faithfully, down there in the canyon next to Mt. Tam.

Still, we enjoyed ourselves, and learned that the United Nations had met there in 1945 (!).

The other thing that is tough about Muir Woods is the long, very windy drive down into the valley. Oof. Aaron is especially susceptible to motion sickness and that is really no fun. Fortunately, Jes had the bright idea of trying out motion sickness wristbands. Wow, do those ever work! We do a lot of driving on these SF trips, and Aaron was dramatically more comfortable with these on board.

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