Monday, August 20, 2018


[Band camp was in mid-July.]

Aaron did rock band camp the week after Jordan and it was equally awesome. Our kids have so much music experience, but it’s all classical. Aaron found that in rock, he had to bang on the piano like crazy to compete with the drums and amplified guitar – which was a great time, if tiring. And the experience of coordinating music with peers was new, too: in choir, you strictly attend to the conductor, and in classical piano, it’s just you. What a great thing to add to their repertoire. 

Aaron’s band was called “Aaro,” a name formed from all of the kids’ first initials. Aaron played keyboard, and sang lead on three of their four songs! He initially felt he could not both sing and play piano (too much to keep track of), but he pulled it off. So awesome. They played Lonely Boy (another Black Keys song), Let it Be, Soul Meets Body (by Death Cab for Cutie), and Smoke on the Water.

I am sure they can’t wait to do this again. And we have the band basement, so they don’t even have to wait for rock band camp!

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