Monday, August 20, 2018

"The Craftsmen"

[Band camp was in mid-July.]

Rock band camp was a first this year and wow, what a good time! They did it at Seattle Drum School (not the School of Rock franchise), because we have a friend who has been happy with his lessons there and it seemed to me to be the most musician-oriented. Jordan was placed in a band with a terrific guitarist and drummer; he played keyboards, there was a lead singer, and the counselor played bass. They called themselves The Craftsmen and they were amazing. They played songs by the Black Keys, the Beatles, and a couple others. Here they are at the Friday concert, attended by parents and friends. 

One guy shouted, “You guys have no idea how righteous you are!” Love it.

Finally, they sang Beat It, and to my complete amazement – Jordan sang! For all his singing experience, this is something we’ve never seen him do. (Though now that he’s in Vocalpoint, more is on the way.) I was beside myself. What a fantastic growth experience.

The icing on the cake was that the terrific guitarist is, like Jordan, a 9th grader at Nathan Hale in the fall, and lives in our neighborhood, and seemed like a great guy. Let the band play on!!

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