Monday, August 20, 2018

Birthday battles

[This post refers to an event on June 7. Better late than never!]

For their birthdays this year, the boys asked to have a joint laser tag party in Gas Works Park, like Jordan’s last year. It was a delightful day. Grownups had blankets in the shade, and party guests had their battles.

Some of the guests were relieved to learn that the battles were optional, and after one good round, joined the adults in sitting and chatting.

After battles and cake, people just hung out. How about these guys?

Last year, there were live knights battling for our entertainment. This year there was a different sight to see: naked bicyclists! Maybe ten of them? They changed (into…nothing) in the restrooms near our picnic spot, set out on their ride, and filed back in as the party was ending. The boys were actively uninterested in this long-running Seattle tradition. Here they are huddled around someone's phone, with the bicyclists just barely visible in the background.

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