Saturday, December 20, 2008

Representational art

A couple of days ago, on one of the four (!) days this week that school was closed, Jordan and I spent a couple of hours on holiday gifts/greetings for his friends back in Maryland. He did a lot of writing (mostly the letter "J"), selected wrapping paper, and dictated charming letters to various people. My favorite was to Fanta: we sent her photos, and he drew her this terrific picture on a card. "This guy doesn't have any body, just a head and arms and legs," Jordan observed with apparent pleasure. And dramatic eyelashes. The nose started out being a third eye, but Jordan decided that was too Cubist.

The inside said something like, "Dear Fanta, Louise, Dan, Kadiya, Josie, and Luke: Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. I love you. Seattle is great, especially the Space Needle. Our apartment has a good view. At school I learned to write the letter J. I love to see my baby brother at recess. Goodbye. Love, Jordan." He signs with a giant, blocky letter J, sort of like a pirate might make his personal mark.

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