Monday, February 9, 2009

Construction update

The construction on the walkways lately is possibly even more stressful and disruptive than when the walls were torn out of our apartment. There has been debris all over the place since Friday, including unattended over the weekend: mostly broken pieces of drywall, plaster-type dust, scattered nails, and just garbage. We notified the management of the problem, but it wasn't addressed today - in fact there's more junk in addition to what was there over the weekend.

Now, there is a truly scary thing, which is that one of the heavy wooden boards that substitutes for a railing is unattached. This afternoon it was just balanced up against the posts, in danger of being blown or knocked over. Those boards are three feet high and probably eighty pounds -- if one fell on Aaron, it'd flatten him. I found the manager and let her know, but nothing happened. Now it's lying down on the walkway, so there is no railing.

Our nice, friendly construction guys who always left the place in the best possible condition? They have disappeared. In their place we have foul-mouthed guys who leave the place dirty and unsafe.

I cannot imagine what it would be like to live here if we didn't know we were leaving soon. What if we had to put up with this for months into the future? I never know what is around the corner. Dale thinks we'd have to move. I am just glad we don't have to make that decision.

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