Monday, February 9, 2009


Jordan said today that you should try not to get too sad or angry, because if you get too sad or angry, "you could lose God, and then lose yourself." I said, "Tell me more about that" (thank goodness for that all-purpose response to children's zingers). He said that if you are very sad or angry there is only a little bit of room inside you and maybe not enough room for God. I asked if he had class with Julie today (his Judaics teacher), and he said yes.

I have been mulling over what he said and overall I'm pretty impressed. Jordan didn't seem to take this "losing God" as a threatening prospect, but rather as a motivation to calm down and feel better if possible. That's usually a good idea. And I do think that often (not always, but often) getting very sad or angry involves inappropriate self-centeredness, and a loss of perspective. Which is maybe what he is learning, in a four-year-old Jewish kind of way. I'm for it.

He's pretty into his teachers. He told Dale the other day that there was a character in Star Wars named Nemo. Dale thought this might possibly be true, but informed Jordan that that was not the same Nemo as the fish. Jordan strenuously objected to this correction, saying, "No Daddy! My teacher -- she's much wiser than you are -- she said it was a fish." Well, sheesh.

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