Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First day of kindergarten

Jordan leading the way. The backpack is as big as his torso.

This is his power pose - he does this especially for pictures.

After a little playground time, a whistle shrieks and they line up by class. That's Mrs. Murphy exclaiming at their lovely manners. Jordan is third in line.

Jordan and Ashley bonded over their cool new lunchboxes, but Ashley did not seem very impressed by Jordan's animal sounds. I was amazed that they talked at all; the girls and the boys seem almost invisible to each other at this age.

Jordan does much better with his buddy Sam, who he met at a pre-K playdate. They sit at the same table and seem to get along great. We like Sam's parents, too.

I got inside the classroom for an open-house night after the second day. The children collaboratively agree on their own class rules. Jordan's contribution is at the bottom of the list: "You should pay attention when someone is talking."

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