Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sleepover chez Grandma

Sue called us a few days ago and asked if she could pretty please have the boys sleep over at her house on Friday night, and take them to a picnic with her on Saturday. Anyone want to place bets on how many nanoseconds we needed to make that decision? :)

That was last night. We were curious how it would go - the boys adore Grandma, but Jordan hasn't spent the night away from us since one time he slept over at Eli's in Maryland, and Aaron never has. As it turned out there was no problem at all. They had a lovely time together. They got a little less sleep than usual, but that's a sleepover for you. Jordan was mildly disappointed that he had to return home after only one night. Grandma is very popular! It doesn't hurt that she is a Montessori teacher and lives on the school premises... it's a cornucopia of wonderful entertainments over there, everything from play-doh and paints to their own private playground.

Meanwhile, Dale and I had a nice dinner out, and enjoyed an actual unrushed Saturday morning in which we ate our breakfasts and read the newspaper with no one making any demands. Wow. So peaceful! Then we got started on a household project that was much easier with no kids in tow (see next post). It was such a novelty, and such a great break.

Sue asked if we could do this once a month. Yippee!

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