Monday, January 4, 2010

Mortar & pestle

Dale got me what is possibly the least new-fangled (oldest-fangled?) kitchen tool there is: a mortar and pestle. It's Thai, and made of bare granite, and it weighs about ten pounds. It's awesome. Garlic turns to puree in two good smacks, and I am sure it tastes better than minced garlic, because it has the oils crushed out of it rather than being sliced. In the summer I will make pesto (which gets its name from the pestle). So far, I have made guacamole, 'refried' beans, a side dish of roughly mashed chickpeas and green olives, and a marvelous pasta dressing made of pulverized garlic, black olives, capers, almonds, and lemon. Next up is curry powder from whole spices.

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