Sunday, September 12, 2010

Irresistible pictures

These pictures aren't associated with any major trip or event but I just can't not post them.  How can we go another day, for example, without this astonishing image of Jordan, wearing a tiger balloon hat?

The tiger hat was made by the balloon man at a three-year-old's birthday party, and was one of a dozen similar creations.  He made a cow hat, a Thomas the Train hat, a snail, Spider-Man, you name it.  He told the kids he could make anything they wanted and they were thunderstruck at the very concept of that.

And here we have our children, outdoors in their pajamas (why?), on a sunny day months ago, discovering the delight of poofing water out an absurdly long tube.  The tubes have a seam that lets water from the swimming pool seep in between breaths, and something about the angle makes the water just super funny when it pops out.  They did this for a long time.  They look like didgeridoo players, or like something out of Dr. Seuss.  The tubes were originally part of a garden cloche thing.

Next we have the children posing together at a playground, so that I could take a picture and email it to Daddy who was out of town.

And finally we have a selection of Lego creations.  Jordan is a master:  his best works are extremely elaborate, and all are exactly symmetric, with specific intentional deviations for antennas and the like.  (Aaron contributed to this collection also... he is equally enthusiastic and his fine motor skills are coming right along.)  Jordan is so amazing at this that we thought he would love Engineering with Legos, but he was not into it.  "You only get to build what they say," he complained.  At home, everything is ships with guns.  Can't help that.  

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