Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Oxbow Farm

A week or so ago we took a little drive out to "our" farm, the one that has provided a box of vegetables every week all summer.  It's a 20-acre farm about 35 minutes east of there, called Oxbow Farm because it includes an oxbow lake.  We went because we needed something to do on Sunday afternoon, and thought we might as well get a pumpkin.

It was very much the kind of farm where you chat with the farmers.  We learned about all the different kinds of squashes and gourds.


Here is the warm greenhouse full of tomatoes and something, some kind of sunflower, maybe sunchokes.

Apparently this way of growing tomatoes -- as vertical vines, with the bottom branches pinched off -- is crazy productive.  But it was a short summer for tomatoes.

Jordan saw this fabulous tiny house and said, "Look at the little sukkah!"  If you look closely you can see that it has an itty bitty chair, table, teapot, and teacup.

Outdoors, the "living playground" was in an autumn mode, but still fun.  There was a "sorghum spiral" (a very small corn maze), a gourd tunnel, and a "creepy teepee" made of scarlet runner beans, containing some display worm bins.  This is a different tunnel, not sure what, maybe grapes.

A sitting area was decorated with these beautiful little gourds. We bought a big bag of them to dry and pain for next year's sukkah.

Gourds also decorated the tractor.

We decided this guy is the tractor driver.

And last but not least, here is the pumpkin we brought home. Jordan drew the design, and I did the cutting.

BTW all of these photos were taken with my new phone. How do they look?

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