Monday, October 31, 2011


We have Halloweened and are now hiding out in the darkened house with the door locked.  Jordan wore his costume to school today.  No glasses, because "that would look dumb."  Here is the ninja with his super stylish friend Audrey.  Audrey is a pirate (her hat is in her bag), but she looks ready for the runway to me.  

Sydney is a werewolf.  I told her she was not very scary, and she said, "Well if you could see under my coat, you would know that I am covered in brown fur."

I love how Marieke's lunchbox matches her costume.

Theo is an owl; he didn't have his mask on when I ran into him.

I grabbed a picture of the ninja team on the way out for trick-or-treating.  Dale is the ninja master.  We had a fine time out on the town.  Aaron had to go back to the ninja fortress early, due to things like fog machines and creepy hands in the candy bowls, but a few M&Ms cheered him right up.

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