Thursday, June 7, 2012

SJCC Completion Ceremony

Aaron is at the end of his preschool years! He's been at the Stroum Jewish Community Center since he was one year old, so the "completion ceremony" they held tonight felt like a huge milestone. Here he is all dressed up.

The children sang Alef-Bet in Hebrew, then "You Can't Always Get What You Want," and then "Leaving on a Jet Plane." They were hilariously uncoordinated and incredibly charming. They were each called up to receive their portfolio, which is a beautiful compilation photos and artwork over the year, and hugs from their teachers.

Aaron has passionate friendships from here that I hope last him a long time. Here he is with his dear friend Emanuel, and buddies Gabi and Spencer C.

As for what the future holds, Aaron has big plans. I would love to see him make this vision a reality:

1 comment:

Matty Lau said...

Cool! Rabbi I get. What is a Roly Poly Scientist?