Thursday, September 6, 2012

First day of school

Oh my goodness, the whole summer has gone by and I am still hoping to post about our various fun events – Ashland, Fort Casey, Vancouver, Camp Kesher – but I will just jump right in. The first day of school was yesterday and it went pretty smoothly. Aaron has the same kindergarten teacher that Jordan had, the wonderful Mrs. Murphy, and Jordan had a great time showing Aaron around the room on back-to-school night. It's a great room, full of aquariums and cactus gardens and carnivorous plant bogs.

Now that I look at the picture, Jordan seems to be showing Aaron how to pet the fish. Jordan was in fine form; he read Aaron a book, and spoke to the other kindergarten parents about Mrs. Murphy being a wonderful teacher.

I asked Aaron if he wanted to try out his seat, and he looked at me like the last thing he would want to in this fun room is sit down, but he complied for the duration of a photo.

I think if we could all say the following two things with conviction the world would be a pretty good place:

That was all from back-to-school night. Here they are on the first day. I like the sweet poses, they like the fierce ones.

At school, Aaron lined up in the lunch room with all the other kindergarteners, looking quite at home.

Jordan was outside with the third-graders, and went back to being fierce.

In the middle of the first day I got a call from the school nurse about Aaron. He had whacked his head on a metal bar, and they have to call home for any blow to the head. He was fine and went back to class. He reported having been upset because he thought the nurse was going to fill his head (maybe with water), when in fact she only said she wanted to feel his head. I think it's more likely that he was upset because the playground monitors told him he needed to chill out. In any case, both boys reported a good first day, and it seems like they are settling in very well.

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