Thursday, September 6, 2012

Weekly chalkboard

I have this fantastic chalkboard in the kitchen. It's a decal, so it looks painted but was very easy. It's also removable, but I have zero interest in ever removing it. It's just too good. Every week I write up our family's events.

A week is just the right amount of information. Monthly calendars are so overwhelming I can't write anything on them at all or I choke. The computer one is crucial for long-term planning and for my daily business at work, but it's not accessible to the whole family. This is centrally located and large, so Jordan (and of course Dale) can read what's coming up this week, and Aaron recognizes the pictures. And isn't it fun? I get pretty into the little drawings. Here's a closeup including a sketch of our friends' house.

Here was a super busy week, with daily summer camp field trips (to which you were required to wear your yellow camp shirt), a farm box pickup, an orthodontist appointment, Grandpa flying in, a piano lesson, a Temple barbecue, and a trip to a float home in Vancouver.

The next week was significantly less crammed, but still, this is what summer was like! Whee!

This week, meanwhile, has some exciting events, and then a peaceful blackness on the weekend. Maybe something will fill in.

I got the idea from one of my favorite blogs, but I think I've taken her awesome concept a step further.

1 comment:

Matty Lau said...

I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing about the blog. I like her idea about the dollhouse cabinet- something to keep in mind for the future.