Saturday, November 22, 2014

Cold eggs

A friend of mine with a new baby was telling me how her husband, who is a fully capable father, lets the baby cry longer than she does. He will take his time finishing what he is doing before he responds to the baby, whereas she will leap to soothe. I think this is a classic split for parents, usually (if I may be so bold) along these gender lines. To this day, if one of the kids asks me to make breakfast, I will do that first, whether I've had my own breakfast or not. In fact, if I have made my own breakfast and set it on the table to eat, and then Aaron asks me to make an omelet, I will do that first. Only after I have provided for him will I sit down to my cold eggs. I mean, hello.

I think my motivations are not entirely based on satisfying the child; I also want to check this pending omelet off my list, the better to relax over my own breakfast. But still.

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