Friday, November 27, 2015

Going with you

Walking with Aaron to a friend’s house, looking at our shadows.

Aaron: Mommy do you like to have something that goes with you, like a stuffy, or a shadow?
Rachel: Sure, I like that. Or a friend.
Aaron: But a friend can sometimes go against you because they have their own opinion. That’s why I say something like a stuffy. Because even if I know I am wrong, I can always have them tell me that I’m right. That’s what I mean when I say they go with me.
Rachel: Oh, I get it.
Aaron: Like sometimes if I am doing my homework, and I thought I had a math problem right but Daddy says I got it wrong, I get really mad and I go in my room. And then Cater or Tov can say to me, “You know what Aaron? You are right.” And then I know that someone is on my side. That helps me feel a lot better.
Rachel: That’s great. Then you know you are not alone.
Aaron: That’s just what I mean.
Rachel: Maybe they also say to you, “Aaron you are an awesome kid. Math problem or no math problem.”
Aaron: And you are an awesome Mommy.
Rachel: Thank you for saying that.
Aaron: We are so lucky to be in a family where everyone is so kind to each other.

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