Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Lessons & Carpools

Lessons and Carols has begun again, and it feels very different from last year. Jordan has been on top of his music all along, instead of needing to memorize twenty songs at the last minute. We are familiar with the performance venues. Jordan is also much more familiar just with performing - with the routines, the details, and the attention required. We have a reliable new carpool team, thank goodness, because there is a huge amount of driving and our former carpool buddies moved to California. All in all the whole thing is very smooth so far. I have ushered at one performance and it was wonderful. His head of school was there too.

Jordan is in the third row on the far right, a bit shadowed. This year, the main challenge is for him to be a strong enough leader musically to help pull along the new guys. But they seem to be doing well; the first three concerts were quite decent according to the director, who has very high standards. You can hear clips on the Boychoir's Facebook page.

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