Thursday, May 24, 2018

Wish granted

At one of Seattle’s beautiful assisted living facilities today, it was a lady named Ina’s 100th birthday. Ina said that to celebrate, she’d like 100 children to sing happy birthday to her. Amazingly, on this very day, Aaron and the rest of the Northwest Boychoir Apprentices performed at her residence! They sang in her honor, and then presented her with 100 red and purple balloons! 

There can’t have been a dry eye in the house. She thanked them profusely and said she had “never heard anything better.” 

But wait - the punch line! Ina is the grandmother of Mike McCready, the lead guitarist for Pearl Jam. And of course he was there to celebrate her birthday with her. His blond rock star ‘do is visible from behind in this photo. Ah, Seattle. 

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