Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Maine landscape

[Blogging now about events of a month ago.]

On our family vacation in August we drove from Massachusetts to Maine, stopping for lunch in Augusta at a seafood place called the Red Barn. Aaron and I had the most fantastic seafood stew there – a full cup of tasty lobster, scallops, shrimp, and fish, doused in a light seafood broth touched with cream. If I could have that for lunch on every road trip, I'd be a happier person. 

My Uncle Fred and Aunt Linda live in way eastern Maine – almost as far east as you can go and still be in the US. The landscape out there is amazing: a thousand little inlets and islets and channels, full of calm water, with the sky overhead.

This aerial view shows Fred and Linda's house tucked into the trees:

The views from the ground are pretty great too.

The really astonishing thing is the tides, which can be 40 vertical feet. That is really an amazing number. At low tide, walking into the intertidal zone is really walking on the sea floor. The boys were endlessly entertained poking around in the rockweed and turning over rocks. That includes not only Aaron and Jordan, but also Dale, Michael, and Fred – all of them can do this for many hours. You have to watch out, though, because when the tides are changing they change the landscape dramatically. Fred and Linda’s property has a long peninsula at the end of it – but at high tide it’s an island, so you’d better get back in time, or you’ll have to swim.

On the bright side, high tide is good for kayaking.

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