Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Massachusetts day

[Extremely belated blogging on fantastically significant family events…sigh. Better late than never.] 

In August, we had a family trip to visit multiple Gralenskis, first at my brother’s place in Massachusetts and then up to my aunt Linda and uncle Fred’s place in Maine. We had only one day in Massachusetts but wow, my brother really knows how to make the most of one day. We started with a sentimental tour of my grandmother’s property (Michael still owns it and lives next door). The kids got to drive my grandpa’s old tractor, which was a giant thrill for these city boys.

Then Michael took us mushroom hunting in the woods behind his house. We must have seen fifty different kinds of mushrooms – purple and red and orange and so many others, though sadly none of the edible kind he was looking for. He took the kids to his childhood swimming hole, which was freezing cold. They even did a little scuba diving (scuba dipping?), or at least examining the gear.

And Jordan had his first driving lesson, ai yi yi, in the same field where I had my first driving lesson, in Michael's truck (mine was in my grandpa's truck). He was great and I was verklempt. 

Michael was a very good teacher: patient, compassionate, and firm, with memorable stories about the reasons for things, as only a police officer can tell them. For example, in training Jordan to always turn around and actually look out the back window when you are in reverse, he recalled an incident when a woman backed over her fiancé on their wedding day, and the guy died, and she was held responsible. “I would never want you to have to live with such a terrible thing,” he said. After hearing that story, I tell you what, I’ve been looking out my own back window extra conscientiously.

There was also a lot of fun playing with Journey the dog, and an ice cream stand in the evening. There was room for all of us in one car if Journey crammed onto someone’s lap; fortunately both kids loved this.

The whole day was a great bonding day, especially for Michael and Jordan, which was really meaningful to me since Jordan has missed the other opportunities to connect to my brother. Yay uncle Michael!

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