Monday, May 18, 2020

68 days

It has been 68 days since the kids were sent home from school. This is a historic time, and it would be really good of me to keep a better record of what our family is experiencing, but I keep finding that hard to do. It’s not that I’m too busy… it’s more like I don’t want to. Basically I wish it wasn’t happening and would rather just look the other way until it’s over. But it’s not going to be over for a long time. I’m even social-distancing in my dreams.

Overall we are fine. I work remotely and cook. Dale works remotely and gardens. Aaron keeps up with school and plays Minecraft. Jordan… plays Minecraft (school expects very little of him). The kids do household tasks; we go the park; we watch TV together. And then there is another day.

School will be with us in this sense for another month-ish, and then for the summer, the kids are likely to have nothing. Most of their beloved summer activities have already been canceled: sleepaway camp is gone, choir camp is extremely unlikely, ultimate frisbee camp is gone in June and only remotely possible in August. A long vista of strange time stretches before us. But for today, we have a wonderful home, we get along, we eat well, and the weather is beautiful.

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