Saturday, July 31, 2010

Doctor visits

Jordan and Aaron both had pediatrician visits this week.  No shots!  That's all they need to know.  The rest is fun.  Aaron, who was terrified of the doctor's office the last time we were there, had no trouble this time. He didn't want to lie down on the paper-covered table, but he liked the doctor's suggestion that he stand up on it, instead.  He was very entertained when the doctor pretended to look for mosquitoes in his ears.

Jordan, who went the next day, discussed nutrition at length, explaining that he knows green foods have lots of vitamins so he tries to eat a little bit even though they're not his favorite, and that he does like broccoli, and kale if he's eating it right in the garden.  Jordan is 47.5 lbs and 47.5 inches, a meaningless coincidence which is common for six-year-olds.  This makes him tall and thin.  He asked how the blood pressure cuff works:  the doctor gave such an age-appropriate-yet-sophisticated explanation, I was bowled over.  Now I bet Jordan understands it better than I do.

He also went to the ophthalmologist for a checkup.  All is well; we keep patching him for at least another three months, though, because they like to see things stay stable for some time before they ramp it down. Here he is doing a test for stereoscopic vision, which can be impaired in kids with amblyopia if the eyes go out of alignment.  The tech is one we've seen several times and she's terrific; she really makes it fun, which means she gets terrific compliance and thus accurate results.  She says Jordan is an excellent patient.

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