Tuesday, August 26, 2014

One chat of many

Jordan: I have a little spot on my forehead.
Rachel: Does it hurt?
Jordan: Not really. Maybe a little when I touch it.
Rachel: Maybe it’s a pimple. Do you know what a pimple is?
Jordan: No.
Rachel: It’s a little sore. It can just happen for no reason, or it can start to happen with puberty.
Jordan: With puberty?
Rachel: Yeah. You remember what puberty is?
Jordan: Yes. Turning from a kid to a teenager.
Rachel: Right. So when that happens, there are special chemicals that your body starts to make, and these special chemicals make all kinds of things start to happen to your body. They are called hormones. They give you strong moods. They make you grow taller. They make you more smelly.
Jordan: They make hair grow on your body.
Rachel: Right. They make your testicles larger, if you don’t mind my saying so. And also for some reason with a lot of people they make these little sores happen, usually on your face. If you start to get more of them, it might be puberty.
Jordan: Cool.
Rachel: If that starts to happen a lot and it gets annoying we can get you some special cream to help them go away faster.
Jordan: Okay.

I figure if we can have about 5000 more conversations like this one, we will cover most of what a kid needs to know.

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