Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First day of school

Today was the boys' first day at Seattle Jewish Community School, and everybody loved it. Jordan said, "Everyone told me everything I need to know. They told me so well, I didn't even feel like it was my first day. It was like it was already the third day." Aaron declared that he and his Hebrew teacher are "matched," because they are both new to the school. I said, "It feels good when someone else understands how things are for you, doesn't it," and he agreed. We new parents had a couple hours of orientation in which we were not only doused with useful logistics, but also inspired and moved (at least I was), and delighted by the staff and the other families. The letter home from one of Jordan's two teachers brought a tear to my eye... she said her favorite teaching is "Treat no one lightly and think nothing is useless, for everyone has one's moment and everything has its place" (Pirkei Avot 4:3). What a great thing, to be at a place where people have not only the intention, but also the expertise and the resources, to carry this out.

We are jumping in to this excellent community with both feet. Dale volunteered to be the first-day photographer, helping take cute pictures of every single family as they arrived (except our own, of course). And I will be the second-grade room parent. It's going to be a busy year, but a good one.

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