Thursday, August 31, 2017

Bar mitzvah: Parental blessing

[As part of the ceremony at temple, parents are invited to give a short blessing to their child. Here is ours.]

Jordan, you have always been someone who makes other people happy. Since you were very young, you have been lighting up a room with your enthusiasm, cheering people up when they’re sad, and encouraging people when things are hard. You see things in their best light. When life serves you lemons, you make tasty lemonade – and share it with your brother.

Now you are getting older, and as you may have noticed, some things are starting to get harder. So here is some advice from your parents.
  • Treat people like people. When you talk about someone, remember the real person you are speaking about. 
  • Be empathetic. You have a natural talent for tuning in to other people’s feelings; use it to sense what’s going on for them and respond with compassion. 
  • At the same time, follow your own moral compass. Be careful what you let others pull you into. You know what’s right; stick up for it. 

Also, get enough sleep. :)
In the coming years, we want you to have deep friendships; to share yourself with your community; to keep up your appreciation and gratitude for the wonderful world around you; and to give back some of what is given to you, to make the world more just.

For your thirteenth birthday, your Granty Jes and Aunt Deena sent you a card that said, “You are a rare and powerful fun magnet.” We agree, and we want you to know that being a good person is fun; standing up for what you believe in is fun; and working hard for a big result is fun.

Jordan, we are so proud of you, and we love you very much.

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