Friday, December 29, 2017

Tough week

A couple weeks ago, when I was backing out of my parking spot at work, I heard a horrendous crunching-metal sound. There were no other cars around. I got out and found that the front under-bumper had caught on the curb; in backing up, I ripped the whole front piece of the car halfway off. Whaaat? How does that even happen? Parts of the innards of the bumper actually fell out on the ground. I put them in the trunk, checked that the front bumper wasn't going to fall off while I drove it, and went on my way. We had it fixed within a few days, during which time Dale learned that there is a very good express bus from our house to his work. Fortunately, the car was covered by comp, and it turned out to be a cheap repair - just reattaching a bunch of clips that had formerly attached the nosepiece to the rest of the car.

Then a few days later I hit my head really hard on a metal corner at forehead level in a parking garage. It was part of some kind of fan. 

It hurt so much! The boys did a concussion check on me ("What is your full name? Who is the president?") and I was cognitively unimpaired, so, okay. The garage was for the boys' dentist, who gave me a very helpful ice pack. I told the garage owners about this safety hazard.

I maintain that none of this was my fault. Still, it's the sort of stuff that happens when you are moving too fast, and I have tried to take it a little slower since then.

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