Sunday, April 7, 2019

Welcome Samson

Three weeks ago, the four of us were driving somewhere and Jordan said, “I would like to say that I wish we could get a cat.” I was astonished! As far as I was concerned, Jordan was the last holdout. Aaron has wanted another pet ever since Phil died. Dale and I had recently considered getting a cat (mainly because a friend got a very charming cat), and just barely decided not to. But once Jordan said he wanted one, we basically said, “Okay! Let’s do it today!” The kids were totally astonished. It was fun to say such a surprising yes to them.

That very evening we went to the Seattle Humane Society and looked at their cats. We highly recommend their wonderful facility in Bellevue: the cats were very well cared for, and the people gave us very high-quality information about each animal’s personality and history. I was determined to get a healthy, youngish cat: Dale and I have cared well for cats that were elderly or sick, but I didn’t want to do that this time. So although we were very tempted by a sweet nine-month old kitten named Salem who melted into Aaron’s lap immediately, we had to say no when we learned he had a heart murmur so bad they could feel it through his skin. Fare well, ten-thousand dollar kitten. And we went home that day without a new friend.

But the next day, Dale and the kids went to the Seattle Area Feline Rescue while I was at a choir retreat, and there they found him: Samson, our kitty. He charmed them with his orange tabby charm, his friendly purring, and his extra toes.

A few days later we took him to the vet and found, to our intense relief, that he is as healthy as can be! Negative for the common feline diseases, and everything about him is in good shape -- \ eyes, lungs, heart, teeth, even his ears are clean. Just a little skinny! The vet estimates that he is probably one and a half years old. He has long since come out from under the dresser, and now he owns the place. He is a lot of fun and we love him to pieces.

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