Wednesday, March 18, 2020

PE class

The kids need physical activity, ideally a whole lot of it: Jordan's at his best when he plays ultimate frisbee (e.g., runs like a dog) for 8-10 hours a week. Jordan knows this about himself and is very happy to have both physical games to play and physical tasks to do. He and Aaron are regularly outside for badminton. 

(Once I told someone about them playing badminton in the backyard, and the person looked at me like I was saying we lived on a country estate; but as you can see in the photo, we’ve just strung a rope strung from the deck to a garden pole.) We also have been known to go to public tennis courts for some socially distant pickleball.

In the physical tasks department, Dale had the brilliant idea of ordering a truckload of good dirt and a new wheelbarrow. Jordan helped build the wheelbarrow, and the boys spend multiple sessions of every day hauling dirt from the dirt-pile into our various garden beds. This is serious work and they just love it.

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