Wednesday, January 14, 2009

3 out of 4

Three of us were in nearly perfect health today, thank goodness, but poor little Aaron is still barfing regularly.  It's been five days.  He's quite chipper between episodes but this is way too long.  (In addition to the obvious concern for his health, our work schedules are completely screwed up now.)

Aaron's digestive problem is coinciding with an extraordinary expressiveness about food.  He's hungry, poor baby, and he keeps asking for specific things:  "Muk!  Sausages!  Yogi!  Ap-sauce!  Ka-ka!  Kachi!"  (the ones you don't recognize are milk, yogurt, cracker, and ketchup.)  "Pancake!  Nana!  Wawa!"  He has also developed his own hand sign for "butter":  a pointed finger pressed along the table, like a knife spreading butter.  He insists that we butter pancakes, bread, etc:  he chews off the buttered part and hands it back for us to re-butter.  Another major interest for him right now is body parts.  Post-barfing, he's immediately cheerful, and starts poking his dirty fingers onto my face saying "Eyes!  Eyes!  Noose!  Maf!"  Great.  Apparently this is all very advanced of him, to have such a large vocabulary.  We've even caught the first few two-word phrases:  he pointed out a "doggie" to me through the window, and when the doggie left, he said "Doggie, home."  He's a genius!

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