Friday, January 16, 2009


Last weekend we saw the Ugly House again and it was worse than we had recognized; it needed not only paint, but also pretty major remodeling in the kitchen and both bathrooms.  That's a lot of work, and money.  We hope we can do better.  

And we decided we need to get off the househunting rollercoaster.  We had been lurching emotionally from house to house saying, "Is this the one?"  Now, we've decided to think of it more like dating.  You don't go home from every date saying Is This The One? -- you'd make yourself crazy, and it's not that good for the date, either.  Instead we are thinking of the whole thing as much more of a process.  We see how it goes, maybe we take the next step or maybe we just keep looking.  Unlike dating (?), we keep a database, and we are methodically touring six houses every weekend.  Thank goodness for Grandma's babysitting.

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