Friday, January 16, 2009

Healthy birthday

What do you know:  Last night after all that silly elderberry syrup and probiotics, Aaron had his best night of sleep in a week, and woke up completely well.  Maybe that stuff actually works.  His favorite is the eucalyptus chest rub.  He giggles and wiggles and imitates me doing it.  He still couldn't go to school (he has to have been puke-free for 24 hours), but at least he could digest his lunch, and chase the ducks at Greenlake.

I had a low-expectations birthday - it's hard to pull much together with the house having been in disarray all week.  But I got to have my very wonderful deep tissue massage, and Bekah and Bob came over with their kids and a big lasagna, and I made my favorite birthday cake, a pink retro layer cake featuring much butter.  Some other day I'll enjoy a sushi extravaganza at an old favorite place.

Thirty-eight, sheesh.  On his thirty-eighth birthday my father was a young lawyer, a few years out of school, about to experience the legal case of a lifetime.  And my mother, I think, was big pregnant with me.  Makes you wonder what might be around the corner.  How about a perfect house?  I'd go for that.

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