Sunday, March 22, 2009

Art show

Jordan and Aaron's school does an art show every year, and it's a big event. Every class does both individual artworks and a group project. Aaron's class painted mirrors: small framed ones for each child, and then a big wall mirror that they set on the floor for a group painting session.

The teachers document the artworks with photos of the kids as they do the art, and detailed observations of how each child engaged with the project. In Aaron's case the observations included things like how confidently he jumped into the painting, what colors he chose, what he said while he did it, the fact that he very intentionally mixed the colors before painting them, which hand he used, and what kind of motions he employed with the brush. Lauren, one of his teachers, said "They really show their personalities in everything they do."

Jordan's class made sock puppets and a puppet theater in which they acted plays. Jordan's puppet is the crazy blue one - you can see that how he is working on writing his name. Someone's dad came in one day and videotaped the play that the kids put on, and once that is edited, we'll all get a CD.

I was very impressed with the other pre-K class's project, too: They each chose one color for their work, which included paint, found objects, collage, whatever. Their group project was a rainbow. The hallway hung with their works could have been a gallery. The closeup is the one that Jordan's friend Itamar made, with the artwork, a photo of Itamar, a record of how Itamar described the work and the choices he made in creating it, and a letter to Itamar from his teachers saying what they saw in the work and in him.

Even the littlest babies did a project. This one had hand prints in plaster, and painted cloth. The babies worked with the paint bottles as much as the paint, so the teachers felt that the bottles were a part of the resulting work. The documentation describes how one child "created unique works of art by throwing painted objects on the floor. We photographed these 'canvases' before wiping them clean."

Another class of young children made these amazing sculpture trees.

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